I’m stressed about buying a home in a high-cost area with limited inventory. The sellers have been difficult, and we’ve discovered a long list of open permits. They agreed to make an effort to close them but won’t make it a condition of closing. My agent and attorney say our request is reasonable, but the sellers think we’re being unreasonable. I spoke with the town’s building inspector, who reassured me, but I’m still worried. Any thoughts?
You don’t need to buy this house. There will be more available. Don’t invite unnecessary hassles.
If you close with open permits, you could be responsible for any costs or fines. I’d walk away from the deal if they’re playing hardball.
If closing the permits just requires final inspections, that may not be a big issue. But if there are necessary remedies, weigh those costs carefully.
Consider what kind of permits are involved. If they involve health and safety or structural issues, that could complicate things. Sellers know you’re in a tight market.
It’s reasonable to request that permits are closed before closing. If the inspector is optimistic, perhaps negotiate for holdback funds in escrow to cover any future issues.