Hey all, saw a house today listed at 150k. Once in the basement, found out there’s a horizontal craxk with a varying 1-4 inches of bowing that runs the entire length of it (maybe 40ft?). The entire wall definitely needs anchors put in and that wall is completely under dirt on the other side. Unfortunately, it’s also the only side of the house that we could ever add onto if we wanted to expand.
Can you build over wall anchors? How far can they place them out? How quickly does a repair like that need to happen? (Obviously soon but as a first time buyer, I’d need at least a year to get together the funds, will it make it through the winter?)
We’re working with the agent to find a company to come in and inspect before we move any further but is this something we should just give a big nope to?
The house is geographically the only one in our price range that works right now (for this obvious reason), but looking out to cheaper areas would take my commute to an hour each way vs. 25 minutes. Should we just keep renting?