How Can I Prove There Isn't A Body Buried On My Property?

TLDR: Buyer will cancel if I don’t prove there isn’t a body buried on my property within two days. Edit: Florida contracts allow the buyer to cancel for any reason during the inspection period which we are still in. They are 100% within their rights to walk and keep their earnest money (I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice). The house has been on the market for 6 months and this is the only real offer we’ve even gotten on the place. I’m getting divorced and need the place sold asap. FINAL EDIT: Prior owners confirmed ‘The Shrine’ was built as a holder for his grandmother’s urn, which he obviously took with him when he moved out. So while there are no human remains on the property, The Shrine was connected to a dead relative in some way. The buyers are cool with that and are not canceling.

Maybe you could get a local historian or someone familiar with the area to look into it. They might have records that could help.

Have you thought about a local surveyor? They could potentially check records for any past burials.

If you could get a letter from the previous owner confirming that there’s nothing buried there, that might help settle their fears.

Grayer said:
If you could get a letter from the previous owner confirming that there’s nothing buried there, that might help settle their fears.

Yeah, that’s what my agent is trying to do. Fingers crossed that they respond quickly.

You could also look into getting a ground-penetrating radar scan done. That way, you have a professional confirmation.

Weston said:
You could also look into getting a ground-penetrating radar scan done. That way, you have a professional confirmation.

Sounds expensive and time-consuming, but I might consider it if all else fails.

Would it help to just explain the situation to the buyers? If they understand it’s just a memorial, that might put their minds at ease.