How do you negotiate rent with agents / landlords?

Looking to move out from my parents’ and rent on my own for the first time - holy cow the prices in Singapore are very depressing! I know many of the listed prices on Propertyguru are slightly higher. For those who have rented / are renting, are there any tips for me to haggle with landlords and agents to get the best price possible? Thanks in advance!


I negotiated it down $300. It’s possible. Be picky but show intent. Anything wrong with the place? Point it out. They will either try to accommodate you or entertain a nego. Imo landlords would rather rent at a slightly lower price than wait until someone bites the listing offer and potentially lose out on month’s worth of income.


Wow to reduce it by 300 is a pretty good deal, lucky!

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Just give your budget and move on.

You can look up what flats in the block have rented out for recently to get a good idea, although a general rule is to discount by 20% compared to the listed price.

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Most people only can negotiates are utilities , kitchen/laundry usage. With regards to rent itself, pick your poison & earn as much as you can.