Is a seller's agent legally bound to present my offer?

In Washington state, if I present a written offer to a seller’s agent, is that agent legally bound to present the offer to the seller? I’m not a licensed real estate agent and would be acting on my own behalf. Any insights would be super helpful.

I’m not familiar with Washington RE law, but I bet it’s similar to California. Listing agents are usually required to present all offers unless the seller has given specific instructions like ‘don’t present offers less than X price.’

If we assume the listing agent is a Realtor, then yes. It’s in our Code of Ethics.

Adler said:
If we assume the listing agent is a Realtor, then yes. It’s in our Code of Ethics.

Good clarification.

Yes, they are required to present your offer. Just keep in mind they won’t accept it if it’s on non-MLS forms, so it might need to be rewritten.

Try to find a current copy of your state’s listing agreements and see how it words the agent’s duties. Sellers can specify what they want.

Yes, but keep in mind: A) The seller can tell the agent not to present certain offers; B) The agent has to bring a willing and able buyer, so you might need to be vetted; C) Offers aren’t just about the price—terms matter too.

So if I make a cash offer with proof of funds and minimal contingencies, he has to present it? I’d get a real estate lawyer to review it. Just trying to justify not paying a buyer’s agent commission.