Hi everyone. I’d love some insider insight. Are there Realtors who work with buyers if the house is a foreclosure? I’ve been watching real estate in my area but I’m priced out of most homes. Let me be clear—I don’t WANT a foreclosure; I’d 1000% rather buy a regular house that I can afford. There just aren’t any or many. I found a small home that’s in my budget. With the intention of viewing this home, I called a Realtor who was recommended by my mother. The Realtor informed me this house is actually a foreclosure and she doesn’t waste her time with those but would be happy to show me other homes in my area and price range. Thanks, but again, there aren’t any, and I already know this. I left it that if something comes up (new listing, lead, etc.) to keep me in mind; I’d love to work with her. Then it happened again three more times. A total of four Realtors who came highly recommended by close friends and family don’t work with foreclosures and don’t entertain any possibilities. I explained that I already talked with the bank and sent them the info; they’ll fund the loan, so finances aren’t the issue. I’m a mostly cash buyer, so I’d keep some cash aside for repairs. From what I’ve read, the commission is less with foreclosures, so I’d be willing to pay whatever is fair for the Realtor’s time in addition to a commission. But still no luck. Should I just pass on this house? Has anyone successfully facilitated a sale on a foreclosure with an ok outcome?