I have never bought a property in the US and am at a loss for where to start.
Starting point:
I work in Manhattan and do not plan to change it for the next 5 years.
I have a preapproval letter from a financing company.
I would love to spend around $8,000-$9,000 a month including mortgage, insurance, and all payments on a house.
I have never lived in the suburbs, only in apartments, so I don’t know if a house with a big property is good for me. Privacy is important to me.
I would love to spend up to 45 minutes commuting to Manhattan, 2-3 times a week.
I am an immigrant and don’t know any areas around Manhattan.
What would be my ideal home:
House with property in a suburban green area, 3-4 bedrooms.
Safe and good schools (should I consider schools now since my oldest is 14 months old?).
30-45 mins commute to the city.
I could not make any decision for the past 2 years, but living in a city is not an option anymore. I need space for my sanity and for my kids.
Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated. Where do I start? How do I approach my search? How do I look for agents? And what are the best areas?
Finding what you want with a max 45-minute commute is going to be difficult. You should assess the real commute time with your desire for space and green.